Lesson 03: Examine Your Marketing Mindset

Module 1: Mission, Goals, & Mindset

Build a strong foundation for your mindfulness business by defining your mission, goals, and bringing awareness to your marketing mindset.

Lesson 3:       Examine your marketing mindset: become aware of limiting marketing beliefs that could interfere with your efforts to make an impact

Examining your mindset will help you:

  • Notice mental patterns that keep you from marketing your services more proactively
  • Replace limiting beliefs with more empowering beliefs so you can feel more comfortable with marketing

After watching this video, refer to the workbook for Module 1 (available for download below the video). Complete the exercises under Lesson 3 to help you apply these insights to your mindfulness business before moving onto the next module.

Also check out the additional resources under the video to help you elevate your marketing mindset.

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